Revitalizacija kotla bloka 6 u Termoelektrani Tuzla
ITC Zenica d.o.o. je u sklopu konzorcija sa firmama DONGFANG ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION – NR Kina i DONGFANG BOILER GROUP CO d.o.o. – NR Kina, kao lider konzorcija, dana 16.05.2024. godine, uspješno okončala radove na projektu „Revitalizacija kotla bloka 6 u Termoelektrani Tuzla“ u cilju očuvanja energetske nezavisnosti Federacije BiH i Bosne i Hercegovine u cjelini. Projektom je izvršena revitalizacija dijela kotlovskog postrojenja, u prvom redu zamjena parovoda svježe pare, te revitalizacija dijela isparivačkog i pregrijačkog sistema kotla.
Projekat revitalizacije bloka 6 u TE Tuzla je jedan od najznačajnijih projekata čija uspješnost je doprinijela očuvanju snabdijevanja potrošača električnom energijom, obezbjeđenja toplotne energije za grijanje gradova Tuzla i Lukavac, kao i proizvodnji tehnološke pare za industriju u Tuzlanskom kantonu.
ITC Zenica Ltd., as part of a consortium with the companies DONGFANG ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION – PR China, and DONGFANG BOILER GROUP CO Ltd. – PR China, as the consortium leader, on 16 May 2024, successfully completed works on the project "Boiler Revitalization of Unit 6 in the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant" to preserve the energy independence of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole. The project involved the revitalization of part of the boiler plant, primarily the replacement of the fresh steam pipeline, and the revitalization of part of the boiler's evaporation and superheating system.
The Boiler Revitalization of Unit 6 in the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant is one of the most significant projects whose success has contributed to preserving the supply of electricity to consumers, providing heat energy for heating the cities of Tuzla and Lukavac, as well as the production of technological steam for industry in the Tuzla Canton.